Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Skinny Steak and Eggs

The week after vacation is always a bit on the sad side for my dinner planning, so I came up with this dinner idea with the leftover fabulous flank steak we made a couple nights ago...that is why it is skinny...the flank steak is cut into super thin slices.  You can make some of the best dinners with leftovers...

What you will need...
  • 4 slices of flank steak (the flank steak we had already cooked was great...highly suggest it...recipe on the blog!)
  • 4 large eggs
That's all you need!!!  Simply heat a skillet over medium heat, add steak for a few seconds on each side to warm a bit.  Crack the egg in the skillet and let cook until the egg is set.  Place the steak over the egg and let the yolk run all over the steak when you cut into it...YUM-OLA!!! 

Sides to think about...great with spinach seasoned with red pepper flakes!

How many people can eat...4 of course.

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