What you will need...
- Canning items (8 half pint jars; jar lifter; jar funnel; bubble remover/headspace tool; large stock pot; tongs)
- Other items in your kitchen to get (medium pot; stirring spoon; apple cutter; paring knife; cutting board; large glass liquid measuring cup; ladle; food processor)
- 18 medium sized apples (McIntosh), cored, sliced, and peeled
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp cloves
- Fill the stock pot 3/4 full of water and bring to a boil, then simmer. Wash the jars and lids in hot soapy water. Put the jars and lids (not the rings) into the simmering water.
- Core, peel, and slice apples.
- In the medium pan, heat the apples and water until the apples are soft.
- Puree apples with the water in a food processor until almost smooth, but not liquified.
- In the same pot, mix the sugar and spices with the apple, stirring continuously.
- Cook until desired thickness.
- Remove jars and lids from the simmering water and get the funnel ready.
- Turn the stockpot water back to a boil.
- Ladle the apple butter into the jars using the funnel. Fill jars leaving 1/4 inch at the top. If you have a jar that isn't filled all the way that is okay, it will just get eaten first!
- Remove air bubbles.
- Clean the rim of the jars with a damp clean towel.
- Put the two-piece tops on the jar.
- Place jars in the boiling water. Make sure water is 1 inch above the lids. Cover a boil 10 minutes.
- Remove jars and set on a towel to cool overnight. Don't touch them! But do go ahead and put any partially filled jars in the refrigerator after cooling a bit.
- In 24 hours make sure the lids are sealed by pressing on the top...if the lid sealed you are good to go! If not, simply put it in the refrigerator and enjoy it now.
- Remove rings and clean jar before storing in your cabinet.
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